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We want to help you find your desire product.
Krazy Bazaar is your one stop destination for all south Asian grocery, fashion and cooked food across all over Australia. The humble journey begun almost five years back as Krazy Bazaar operated behind the scene for many south Asian groceries supporting the supply chain and logistics.
Over the course of time and with increasing demand due to shopping habit morphed by the necessity of isolation due to global pandemic, we realised the best way to serve our customers is to get the product to them as opposed to them coming to the physical shops all the time. As such Krazy Bazaar resurfaced from behind the scene to become the forefront of the shopping experience via its robust online platform that is very intuitive and easy to use by just about anyone in the community.
At Krazy Bazaar we strive for excellence be it product quality or timely delivery. Our aim is to eliminate that stigma that many of us might have around the efficiency of south Asian grocery deliveries but at the same time break through that barrier of on-prem shopping and establish the trust in an online shopping experience. Our aim is more materialised and echoed by a large number of satisfied customers across the board in recent times when people became heavily reliant on online shopping due to the restrictions imposed by public health order across the country.
We expect to serve all our customers whether be in metropolitan areas or regional alike and hence, Krazy Bazaar will soon launch click and collect venues all over Australia. This will enable a greater reach but more importantly will provide an opportunity for anyone to shop south Asian groceries, food and fashion from anywhere.